We at Elm Shakespeare Company are more dedicated than ever to bringing people together through Shakespeare.

During this time when public health remains a concern for everyone and the need for social distancing continues, Elm Shakespeare Company is working to be a creative and emotional lifeline that provides perspective, inspiration, and connection to New Haven and beyond.

Following the wisdom of health professionals and the Governor and Mayor’s guidelines, Elm Shakespeare work continues – in exciting new ways. Our beloved summer performances may have taken a hiatus, but Elm Shakespeare is busier than ever with programs for everyone. Here’s some of what we are doing…

Education programs accessible to all

wherever you are! All of our In-School Residencies, Camp, and Teen Troupe have moved to Online Learning platforms. We have learned so much over the past few months, and are proud of the pedagogy and fun that our zoom classes, watching parties, and online performances bring to each student from the safety of their home!

Elm Shakespeare Online

A portal for all things Shakespeare around the web… streaming performances, classes, lots of books, and special home learning activities adapted from our nationally recognized curricula! (You can also see the online performances created by our students!)

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Beyond Performance

We are excited to host a six-week community-wide conversation exploring how race and racism interact with Shakespeare’s plays and current performance practices, and how performing Shakespeare can serve a diverse artistic company and audience in the 21st century. This mostly online symposium will include leading scholars, theater practitioners, and community members for a collection of lectures, panel discussions, and more.

Elm Artist Relief Fund

Elm Shakespeare is NOTHING WITHOUT ITS ARTISTS! In this time of incredible financial peril, Elm Shakespeare continues to raise money to help the many freelance artists that have given our community such magical memories. Please consider a gift to the fund!

Together, in person or online, through performances, classes, or conversation, we are stronger than ever before and are weathering this storm as a community.  Please stay in touch, let us know if there are other ways that we can be of service. 

We are here.  We care. We will see you online and in the community at a distance!

With love and courage for all,

Rebecca Goodheart, Sarah Bowles, Barbara Schaffer and everyone at Elm Shakespeare Company